At a joint meeting of the building committee of the board of education and the citizens’ committee to be held in the city hall Wednesday evening the question of going ahead with the building program of the T. L. Handy Junior high school on the west side, will be discussed.
According to the original plans, the building will be constructed with two wings, similar to that of the Central high school. Work on these wings has not yet been started, and, it is said that the present plans call for dimensions which are slightly too large, making it imperative that some changes be made. The two wings will house the swimming pool, gymnasium and auditorium.
The problem of remodeling the old east side high school building to house the east side junior high school may also come up for consideration. It is understood that present plans call for the removing of classes now being held at Eastern to the new Central high school about the first of April. Work will then be started, it is expected in renovating the old high school.
Prior to starting classes in the new school, the building will be thrown open to the public for inspection. A public reception will be held in the new building about the 25th of March, when it is expected that most of the detailed work will be completed.
G. E. Jenner, the newly selected superintendent, will be in the city tomorrow, and will attend the meeting. He will make a visit to the high school buildings during the day in order to acquaint himself with the general situation here in respect to the new buildings.