Graduation is just around the corner and each of us are going our separate ways. Some of the seniors were asked what they plan to do after graduation. While some students answered seriously, others did not. Heather Steinhoff was too shy to answer.
Many students are planning to go to Delta and from there continue on with their education somewhere else.
“I plan on attending Delta for one or two years in Business Administration then go on to Eastern Michigan for a degree in business,” said Tim Christian.” After I graduate from college, I plan on marrying Ann Freel and living a wonderful life and having my own business.”
“This summer I plan to travel,” exclaimed Mellissa Gentle. “Then, in September, I will go either to Delta or SVSU. I want to get involved in some kind of child care for my career goal.”
“I plan to work up to Caseville over the summer and then attend Delta in the fall,” said Kathy Groff
Sara Knight said, “Next year I will probably go to Delta and hopefully get a co-op job. The year after that, I’d like to go to MSU. If I make it through that, I want to go into public relations/communications.”
Lanette Gasta said, “After graduation, I’ll most likely go to Delta for two years and get my associates degree, then go to Ferris or CMU to become a journalist. After college, I’ll get married.”
In addition to college education, some students chose military training.
“I’m going into the U.S.Navy to learn aircraft mechanics and law enforcement,” uttered Scott Deska. “Then I am going to either UCLA or Delta for two years, then to CMU.”
Greg McGuire said, “I plan on going to college for two years, getting an associates degree in executive business management. Then I will go into the Air Force and finish school; there I will become a police person and maybe go on to become an executive corporate lawyer.”
People such as Scott Sharp, who plan to live in California after graduation, have unique reasons for doing so.
“I thought I’d have my graduation party and then get all my money together and head out to California to catch some rays and maybe get a beautiful blonde to cuddle up with at night,” happily said Sharp.
Rick Bedell said, “I will go to California in the Bay Area and get a job either as Metallica’s body guard or a beached whale.”
“I’m going to Delta for two years taking brain surgery then to Harvard for golfing lessons and then to California to sit on the beach while my wife goes to work ALL day,” stated Todd Ford.
“I plan to go to college to become a math teacher and live in California,” said Heather Kilvington more seriously.
The following are planning on graduating with a big bang.
“I plan on having a BIG PARTY!! Then I will go to CMU and take up electronics and computers so I can make a lot of cash,” said Todd Robetoy. “I will buy a big house and marry a gorgeous blonde and then party till I can’t party no more.”
Amy Shook said, “I plan on attending Northern Michigan and having a big graduation party!!”
“I thought I would have my graduation party that would last for a week or two, mess around for the summer, maybe get my dad to buy me a new Corvette convertible. I’d like to go to college and take up either psychology or engineering. Then I plan to work for a large well-known company. Perhaps later on I will get married and have a family,” said Terry Kopischke.
Ron Thume and two other seniors prefer the easy life rather than the fast lane.
“I plan on graduating, taking a vacation, then going to college for a few years, taking another vacation, then finding a “good” job and most likely get married,” said Thume.
Corey Buczek and Mark Wiesen both stated, “After graduation, we plan on moving to Pinconning so we can be closer to the girls we care about (Tamara and Angie). We will probably have to take a body-shop class and open up our own garage because none of us can drive.”
Senior that have high hopes or different career ideas are listed here.
“I plan on going to college and then to graduate school, getting a degree in snake charming. Then I will marry Darcy Nuffer and move to the Snake Canyon where Evil Knievel jumped,” said Chuck Ackley. “There, my lovely wife and I will become hermits and charm snakes.”
“We plan to become the new hosts of Michigan Outdoors. We will be trolling for summer walleye in the Saginaw Bay. We will have many different shows with Troy Nearman being our food critic. During deer season, special guest Trevor David will show how to stalk and slay Bambi,” agreed Ken Adamski and Craig Schultz.
“I plan on attending Northwood Business Institute for four years, then continue working at Endicott Johnson’s and leave Michigan after college,” Kathy Nichols said. ” I hope to marry the one I love.”
Steve Richards had a little more unorthodox approach to his future. “I thought I’d either be a gynecologist or join the Peace Corps,” Richards said. “Possibly I could be a mass murderer because it seems the only real superstars nowadays are politicians or assassins. I’d rather be the assassin.”
“I plan to go to Delta for two years, then transfer to U of M,” Dooley Warren said. “I don’t know what I’m going to major in, maybe something to do with art. Ill travel with Hero Pigg taking pictures because, of course, they will become famous and they will need a photographer.”