Although attendence is expected to drop next year at the high school level, the Bay City Board of Education has approved the institution of an informal geometry course for the 1989-90 school year.
At a regular meeting of the board, Director of Instruction David Braendle said the course would add an important dimension to the high school mathematics curriculum.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Dale Martin said the new course would provide an alternative to students not wanting to take the regular geometry class.
“The informal geometry course was needed for non-college bound students, those who may want to go into secretarial, clerical or vocational skills and do not want to take a regular geometry course,” Martin said. Martin said there would be no cuts made at the high school level because of the new class. Any cuts that would be made would be due to budgetary reasons.
Kathy Langenburg of Western High School was credited for heading an ad hoc committee which recommended the course, support material, and a textbook. Other committee members were Ryan Visser of Central and Barbara Taylor of Handy.
Taylor said she was delighted the new course would be offered next year to non-academic students.
“We are very happy to be offering the course,” Taylor said. “It is a course for non-academic students. It will be’something they can use for geometric concepts and formulas that can be used in everyday lives. It is meant to be a second or third year course for general math students.”
Director of Research and Evaluation Dr. Douglas McPherson presented enrollment projections at the board meeting that showed a drop of about 100 students in the Bay City district next year. A total enrollment of 11,044 including special education is expected.
Martin said the drop in enrollment will be at the high school level with the intermediate grades gaining slightly and the elementary holding even. The drop in enrollment will impact budget, expenses, and staffing.